Hanceville is a city located in Cullman County, Alabama. It has a population of 3,217 as of the 2020 census. In this article, you will find information on the Weather in Hanceville and Cullman County. You’ll also find out about the average wind speed in Hanceville.
The average precipitation in Hanceville, Alabama is around 0.6 inches per month. The percentage of rain and snow that falls each month varies throughout the year. The wettest month is July, with 12.5 days of at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. The driest month is October, with 6.9 days of precipitation.
The shortest day in Hanceville is December 21, with the longest day being June 21. In 2022, the city will observe daylight saving time. Daylight saving time begins in the spring on March 13 and ends on November 6. This change will cause the hours of daylight to increase by a few minutes per day.
Hanceville has warm weather during the summer, but a short and cold winter. Its average daily high is 83degF. The coldest month is January. The warmest days in Hanceville occur during early June and July. The coolest days in Hanceville are November and December, when the temperature is below 60degF.
Hanceville’s growing season lasts about 7.6 months, or 231 days. The growing season rarely starts earlier than February 26 and ends later than November 30. The average rainfall is 3.2 inches. The number of sunny days is 320 days per year. The amount of snowfall is 0 inches.
Weather in Hanceville
The weather in Hanceville, Alabama is typically sunny most of the year. However, there are a few months that have more rainfall than others. July, for example, has an average of 12.5 wet days. The drier season, which lasts from August 23 to January 3, is characterized by fewer wet days. October, meanwhile, averages only 6.9 days of rain.
Hanceville has a moderately varied topography, with a maximum elevation change of 194 feet and an average elevation of 575 feet. The region has moderate variations in elevation within 10 miles, but very dramatic variations within 50 miles. The area is mostly covered in trees, with 55 percent of the landscape being covered with forest.
The summers in Hanceville are relatively hot with an average high temperature of 83degF. The coldest month is January. The cool season lasts for 2.9 months and average temperatures of less than 60degF. The warmest months for tourism are late April to mid-June and late August to mid-October.
Weather in Cullman County
Cullman County has a relatively mild climate. There are a few key differences between the months of winter and summer, but the overall climate remains fairly predictable and mild. Cullman experiences a snowy period, which lasts for 1.6 months from December 29 to February 17. The snowy period requires a sliding 31-day snowfall of at least 1.0 inches. The rest of the year is mostly clear.
The climate in Cullman County is generally temperate with warm, humid summers and mild, rainy winters. Daytime temperatures range from 34degF to 89degF, and nighttime temperatures rarely go below 69degF. There are three main seasons in Cullman: hot (3.9 months), cool (three months) and rainy (three months). The warm season is June to September, while the cold season is November to March.
The topography in Cullman is relatively flat, with only a small elevation change. The average elevation is 797 feet, and the maximum elevation is 292 feet. There are moderate variations in elevation within a 10-mile radius. The land cover in Cullman consists of trees, crops, and artificial surfaces.
Average wind speed
Throughout the year, Hanceville is influenced by a wide variety of weather conditions. The average wind speed during any particular day depends on the time of day and location. This city experiences a low average wind speed of 3.3 miles per hour on July 28. The average wind direction is from the west and south during the months of June and July. In the months of August and December, the average wind direction is from the east and north.
Daily high temperatures in Hanceville tend to stay around 86degF throughout the summer and fall. Low temperatures are usually between sixty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit. January is the coldest month of the year, with low temperatures ranging between 55 and 71degF. The thin dotted line represents the average perceived temperature.
In addition to the wind direction, temperatures are also affected by the amount of precipitation. The highest probability of precipitation occurs during the winter months, when rainfall totals are usually around seventy percent of normal. The average water equivalent is also taken into account. In addition to the daily water equivalent, rainfall data includes temperature, rain/snowfall, average wind speed, and direction.
The wettest month in Hanceville is February. The driest month is October. On average, there are 208 sunny days and eleven rainy days each year. However, it is colder during winter, and the humidity is below 60 percent eight days a year.
Busiest month for tourism
Hanceville’s weather can be very pleasant year-round. The best time to visit is between the months of June and September. Although temperatures are generally pleasant, the coldest months of the year are January and February. The wettest month is July. In between, the temperature fluctuates between 35 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hanceville is rainy most of the year, but it’s also dry in certain seasons. The wettest month is February, while the driest month is August. In total, the city receives 58.1 inches of precipitation per year. In contrast, it’s drier in the spring and autumn months.
Despite its small size, Hanceville is one of the quietest cities in Alabama. A high percentage of its population is comprised of children between six and 17 years old. Still, there’s room for growth in this quaint town. In the past year, less than 0.0% of the population moved to another area. Eighty seven percent of Hanceville residents chose to stay in their current homes.
Despite its small size, Hanceville has many fun areas to offer visitors. Some of these attractions include Dairy Queen and Domino’s Pizza. Visitors can also choose from a wide variety of Hanceville hotels and lodging options. Many of the accommodations in Hanceville are affordable and convenient.
Hanceville is home to many parks. There are swimming pools and tennis courts, as well as recreational sports fields. There are also picnic pavilions, fishing areas, and great walking paths. Hanceville’s Veterans Memorial Park is one of its best-maintained parks with finely manicured landscaping and a covered fishing dock.